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Kelly Karr

Hello Friends, I'm Kelly..
I truly delight in finding the beauty or whimsy in the humble and ordinary things all around us, and "catching" it in photos before it's gone. I also have fun shooting our rather large family, just capturing the wonderful "every-day-ness" of our lives. I am blessed to live outside the pretty little town of Pentwater Michigan, with my obliging husband, our mixed-breed bird-dog, and our tiny cross-eyed cat. 

I don't believe I do real well with words, and would rather express myself with photography art instead. Every chance I get, I'm out exploring the woods and dunes and lakes around our home, with my camera around my neck, my dog in the lead, following river trails and bird-song, or the tracks of a fox - on a quest to glimpse fairies or owls or to find out which wildflowers are blooming today. I'm hunting for ghosts in old barns and spirits in oaks, chasing the sunlight or shooting the moon. 

I adore watching the many changes in scenery all our different seasons bring us here in Michigan. I will probably always have sand in my shoes, pollen on my lens, and a pretty found rock (or shell, or acorn, or arrowhead) in my pocket. I hope that you can get outdoors for a walk today too, even in your own backyard. Give things more than just a passing glance. Give them a closer look! I hope you enjoy my photographs, and within these small treasures, you might see what I saw. 

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10 E Hinsdale Avenue 
Hinsdale IL 60521
gallery: 630 908 7227
cell: 847 612 2706 

550 Okeechobee Blvd. Suite CU-2
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 
gallery/cell:   561 389 4150 
Sheryl cell: 847 612 2706  

*Complimentary Valet parking from South Towe

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