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Desmond Melancholy

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My career as an artist began with street art at the age of 14. I would

run outside of my house into the streets at night, and paint graffiti on the walls of Kyiv (the capital of Ukraine). From time to time, I was caught by security and interrogated by the police (nothing serious) - but I didn't stop there. I didn't spoil public places and only painted abandoned buildings. Given I grew up in a strict household, my parents weren't enthralled with the prospect of me pursuing an art career. Subsequently, they sent me to a mathematical school. Despite the restrictive environment, I continued creating, graduating to other mediums of expression. Upon moving to the United States, I promised myself that I would express the beauty of my new place of residence through compositions in oil on canvas.


Due to the current situation in my country, many of my relatives have become victims of war or refugees. The streets I previously knew, had been destroyed by the horrific terror tactics of this war. I realized that I could help. I decided to send a portion of the money that stems from the sales of my work to the Red Cross In Ukraine.

​"My biggest inspirations for me has been Van Gogh with his impressionism, and Dali with his surrealism. The idea of my work is to show the beauty of the world that does not exist, to give the ordinary scene a routine that most people do not see and this is the enjoyment of every second and the landscape around us, to describe it briefly what I want to do in a metaphor and to gift someone or invent a newcomer in the palette".



18" x 24" original oil on canvas 

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18" x 24" original oil on canvas 

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10 E Hinsdale Avenue 
Hinsdale IL 60521
gallery: 630 908 7227
cell: 847 612 2706 

550 Okeechobee Blvd. Suite CU-2
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 
gallery/cell:   561 389 4150 
Sheryl cell: 847 612 2706  

*Complimentary Valet parking from South Towe

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